


The Bentley Task Management Application is a simple and efficient task management tool designed to help users organize their tasks effortlessly.Whether you’re keeping track of your to-dos, deadlines, or events, Bentley has you covered.

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.” – David Allen (source)

Bentley’s task management chat frees your mind of having to remember things you need to do. It’s,

All you need to do is,

  1. Download it from here.
  2. Double-click it.
  3. Add your tasks.
  4. Let it manage your tasks for you 😉

And it is FREE!



💡 Use clear and detailed task outlines to improve how you handle your tasks. It’s easier to find jobs and keep things organised in Bentley when details are clear.

1. Create a To-Do Task

Command: todo <description>

Example: todo homework

Output: [ ] T homework

2. Create a Deadline Task with date

Command: deadline <description> /by YYYY-MM-DD

Example: deadline return books /by 2025-11-10

Output: [ ] (D) return books | Nov 10 2025

3. Create a Event task with date and time

Command: event <description> /from YYYY-MM-DD HHmm /to YYYY-MM-DD HHmm

Example: event project meeting /from 2025-11-10 1800 /to 2025-11-10 1900

Output: [ ] (E) project meeting | From Nov 10 2025 6:00pm to Nov 10 2025 7:00pm

Other features

  1. list: Displays the list of tasks
  2. mark/unmark: marks/unmark the specified task as done.
  3. find: Displays tasks containing the specified keyword.